Hotel Kunjaben

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M E Road, Manipuri E Rd, Paltan Bazaar, Guwahati, 781008, India


4.18 km from city centre

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Hotel Kunjaben: FAQs

No, Hotel Kunjaben doesn't have a restaurant. If you're looking for a hotel that does, start your search and simply filter by 'Restaurant' under 'Amenities' in the search results and we'll find the right property for you.
At Hotel Kunjaben you can check in from 12:00, and you'll need to check out before 12:00.
No, there isn't any parking available at Hotel Kunjaben. If you're looking for a hotel with space to park, simply filter by properties which have 'Parking' under 'Amenities' in the search results.
Hotel Kunjaben is 4.2 km away from Guwahati city centre.
Hotel Kunjaben is in Guwahati, India and is 4.2 km away from Guwahati city centre.